About Our Writers
Our professional team of staff writers come from a background in English, journalism, public relations or a similar field of expertise. Individually, our writers are skilled at crafting understandable educational material and engaging articles. Together, they are a team of driving experts capable of explaining everything to do with road safety. That makes them perfect for turning complex laws and licensing requirements into simple English (or Spanish!) for students of all ages.
Whether you're looking to get your learner's permit or brush up on defensive driving techniques, Texas Driving School's writers have authored an article that will help you on your way. Let us answer your frequently asked questions, walk you through the paperwork for renewing your license and help you choose which drivers ed course is right for you.
Come learn from our team! Make sure to stop by our articles page to explore the resources our staff writers have assembled to improve your skills and clarify the complex regulations surrounding Texas driver's licenses.